James Weaver has been in prison in Arkansas for 25 years, following a 1 day trial. James was convicted as an accessory to murder, he was under duress and the actual murderer received a lighter sentence than James did. In addition, discrepancies have been found in his inmate file. This man has more than served his time and deserves a chance at freedom and reintegration into society!
Update to Website as of June 29, 2015
The plight of James Weaver was a well written cover story by David Koon in the June 18 issue of the Arkansas Times, a weekly newspaper in Little Rock. Even though Koon’s request to personally interview Weaver was turned down by Prison Officials, Koon was able to write the story after thoroughly studying all available documentation of this case. You are urged to read this timely story at: http://www.arktimes.com/arkansas/the-tucker-redemption/Content?oid=3908358
James Weaver’s Request for Clemency was received by Gov. Beebe on October 1, 2014. Gov. Hutchinson inherited the file because there is generally an 8 – 9 month backlog of Clemency and Pardon requests that must be taken up by the Governor. By statute, the Governor’s Office stated he had until July 5 to make his decision, but he apparently released that decision one month earlier on June 5.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, Governor Hutchinson did not “Deny” as was previously done by both Governors Huckabee and Beebe – neither who had all of the information that was made available to Governor Hutchinson. “Deny” would have meant that Weaver could not reapply for another 6 years. Instead, Gov. Hutchinson took what is called “No Action” on the Clemency Request which meant that Weaver could reapply for commutation immediately. Weaver is now in the process of doing that again. There is some question as to how long this new process will take, but hopefully, the Governor can render a decision quickly once the new application is received and reviewed by his office.
In a recent speech to the Arkansas Bar Association, Governor Hutchinson made a number of points. In one of those, he stated that he takes seriously his gubernatorial responsibility and authority to issue pardons to correct errors or show mercy. He encouraged lawyers to pepper his office with the most effectively argued cases for pardons they could make. He said he wouldn’t grant them all, or even very many, but that he couldn’t use his power appropriately if he didn’t get good requests and the best and right opportunities.
Public opinion could help to speed up the process. Governor Hutchinson encouraged lawyers to pepper his office with the most effectively argued cases, but regardless of your occupation, you are encouraged to assist in the efforts to “Free James Weaver” as previously shown on this website. Let’s help to put someone else in James Weaver’s bunk at the Tucker Maximum Security Unit!!!
Please contact Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson!
James Weaver in his Chapel band at Tucker
This website is to inform the general public about a Clemency Request sent to the Governor of Arkansas by James Weaver who has served over 25 years in Arkansas prisons after being convicted as an Accessory to a Murder. He was actually charged with Capital Murder and sentenced to Life Without Parole on March 6, 1990 – less than three (3) Months after the murder, at a one (1) day trial in Pulaski County presided over by Judge John Langston.
During the Clemency process, a former Arkansas Parole Board Member, Dennis Young, interviewed Weaver on June 5, 2014, at the Tucker Maximum Security Prison. Young found discrepancies in the Inmate File of Weaver that had previously been given to two Governors when they denied Clemency – Governor Huckabee in 2001 and Governor Beebe in 2007. Upon finding these discrepancies, Young requested files from the Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and the transcript of the trial from the Arkansas Supreme Court.
What Young found was somewhat astonishing and has led to his personal involvement in an attempt to have Governor Hutchinson grant clemency to James Weaver. There are only two (2) actions available to the Governor – Weaver’s sentence can be commuted to “Time Served” and he would be released, or he would have to continue to occupy a cell for the rest of his natural life.
Please take time to read vital information that led Dennis Young and other Parole Board Members to unanimously recommend that the sentence of Weaver be commuted to time served and that he be released from prison. Young has written a letter to the Governor outlining the events of 25 years ago. He backs up his reasons why Weaver should be released from prison with factual information which was also sent to the Governor. Everything sent to the Governor is also available to you on this website in the Critical Documents & Info section below.
We are asking that you assist in gaining the release of James Weaver by contacting the Governor by letters, e-mail, or telephone as shown on this website. In addition, Dennis Young will answer any questions you might have by contacting him at dennisrayyoung@gmail.com or by phone at 903-826-3260.
Thank you for helping to “Free James Weaver!”
1. Tell all of your friends to visit this website and ask them to contact the Governor – just as you are doing!
2. Write a letter to the Governor*
Honorable Asa Hutchinson, Governor
State Capitol
500 Woodlane St., Suite 250
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
3. Send an e-mail to the Governor**
4. Telephone call to the Governor’s Office
*If you choose to write a letter, please send a copy of your letter to:
Dennis Young
Post Office Box 1825
Texarkana, AR 75504
**If you choose to send an e-mail, please send a copy to:
Cell phone: 903-826-3260
Letter of 9/26/14 from Dennis Young to Governor Beebe – Letter outlines the many reasons that led Dennis Young and others to request the commutation of Weaver’s sentence to “Time Served.” Beebe left office before this file came up for review and it is now to be reviewed by Governor Hutchinson.
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Commutation Recommendation With Merit to Governor
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1. Release Interview Sheet of 6/5/14 – notes from initial interview between Young and Weaver. Also includes information regarding the crime and the jury trial. Erroneous info also shown in these documents.
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2. James Weaver- Inmate Record Summary
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3. Alan Hubbard (the admitted murderer) – Inmate Record Summary
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4. Motion for Continuance (3/5/90) to delay trial until Hubbard is released from the State Hospital – Judge Langston disallowed a delay of the trial.
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5. Police interrogation of Alan Hubbard on 12/21/89
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6. Letter from the State Hospital declaring Hubbard to be competent.
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7. Police interrogation of James Weaver on 12/21/89
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8. Opening statements at the trial on 3/6/90
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9. Closing statements at the trial on 3/6/90
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10. Similar case where former inmate charged with Murder – 1st Degree (he was an accessory) who received a 20 year sentence. He was eligible for parole and released in 2014 after serving 16 years.
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C. 2006 Clemency Request Letter from James Weaver and Letters of Support
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- James Weaver request for Clemency to Governor Huckabee January 27, 2006
- Letter of Support from Kimberly Hodges
- Letter of Support from Mark Faver
- Letter of Support from David T. Taylor
- Letter of Support from William Greeson
- Letter of Support from John Albright
- Letter of Support from Kelly C. Jones (High School Friend / Girlfriend)
- James’s artwork
D. 2013 Clemency Request Letter from James Weaver and Letters of Support
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- James Weaver request for Clemency to Governor Beebe July 22, 2013
- Letter of Support from James’s Mother (Deborah Croxton)
- Letter of Support from Jon R. Surles (Childhood friend and former roommate)
- Letter of Support from Melissa Surles
- Letter of Support from Kelly C. Jones (Former girlfriend)
- Letter of Support from The Reverend Canon Tom Bradshaw
- Letter of Support from Reverend Paul Graves, Sr.
- Letter of Support from Darlene Graves